Alexander John travels internationally for keynote addresses, lecturing, and conducting workshops, retreats, and advanced trainings.

Alexander John

Topics include:

The Four-Gospel Journey for Radical Transformation

Kataphatic Meditation: Art-Making, Chant, Icons, Walking & Ritual Gestures

Lectio Divina – Meditation with Scripture

How to Develop Rites of Passage or Initiation

Small Community Formation & Deepening

Gateway to Oneness: Restoration of The Cosmic Easter

The Great 100 Days: Lent to Pentecost for Community Healing & Gifts

The Practice of Theosis Spirituality

The Eight Essential Practices of Quadratos

Walking The Camino as a Rite of Passage

Returning Home from Pilgrimage or Service


Please Contact the Quadratos Office
(404) 954-0404 (calling from outside the US, please add +1)

Presentation Topics offered by Alexander John

Heart and Mind 2nd Edition


The Gospels as a Guide for the Spiritual Life. A Retreat or Education Series.

Alexander John examines the four Christian gospels, the original communities for which they were written, and the ancient gospel reading sequence. By placing ourselves in conversation with these early communities, we explore common dilemmas including how they speak to the four great questions of the spiritual life – Matthew: How do we face change? Mark: How do we move through suffering? John: How do we receive joy? Luke: How do we mature in service?

Explore how the gospels help us address the complexities of contemporary life and are a map of our never-ending spiritual journey.

Mathew Preachers


A Day for Preachers

As we return to Lectionary Year A and the Gospel of Matthew, we will explore issues and spiritual dilemmas of Matthew’s historical community, a relationship between the three-year cycle, the four gospels, and the four great questions of the spiritual life, and progressive Matthean themes across Year A with special focus on Avent, Lent, and Sundays after Pentecost/Ordinary Time.

Christian Antioch’s spiritual dilemma and its practical wisdom for today… Ideas for preaching Matthew week after week…

The Blue Door


A Retreat or Education Series for Individuals and Groups

Addressing change is a critical need. Communities, congregations, and individual lives are demanding we face it with ever more rapidity. But how? With our return to Lectionary Year A (and the Gospel of Matthew), we have an opportunity to bring worship and daily life together. With Matthew as our guide, Alexander John will share everyday practices so that we might greet change with much more serenity.

Explore simple, ordinary practices to hold us when all around seems ash or trembling ground.

Four Passions


For Ministers/Preachers or Circles

This day-long or multi-day presentation can be built as an education series or more reflectively as a retreat. Based on group needs, it may include a study of all four Passions as narratives of our spiritual dilemmas today and practices to resolve them or an in-depth study of the two Passions of Year A: Matthew and John.

Understanding the Passions as they relate to spiritual dilemmas then and now… Exploring new ideas for preaching, study, and liturgical planning…