Easter Retreats

Gateway to Oneness

Community Quadrants
Quadratos Communities: Gateway to Oneness

Reimagining Us as Christians

Do you sense that the Christian Feasts have become static, historical proclamations? Would you like to experience Easter as a present moment, here & now, resurrection in your life? Are you seeking a community that truly empowers you to be an authentic you, and builds oneness by honoring diversity?

Gateway to Oneness is far more than the restoration of our ancient and cosmic Easter. Gateway brings together every element of The Four-Gospel Journey to forge a fresh way for us to be Christians and Christians together.

Through prayer with nature, presentation, reflection, sharing, and simple art making (if you wish), participants experience a deep encounter with the sacred and the oneness of all. Led by Alexander John and Team.

  • Engage in a contemporary practice of making communion with self and others
  • Learn how resurrection is a vital present moment life – here, now
  • Experience early Christian rituals and meditative chant in an inspiring fresh setting
  • Celebrate a radiant, contemporary Easter – rejoicing with the Cosmos

Easter Retreat

April 2025 TBA

An Easter Retreat with Alexander John & Team.

A Ministers
Easter Retreat

October 2024 TBA

We are inviting ministers (presiders, musicians, worship planners, etc.) of all denominations to an Easter Retreat with Alexander John & Team.

Easter Retreat

The Nine-Video set is available to rent
(each video is roughly an hour in length)


If you would like to bring this Easter Retreat to your area of the world, we would love to hear from you at eventbookings@quadratos.org.